‘But though this suggests how little Gabriel understands his wife's rapt attention, we do not need to know that in this sequence.’.‘He listened with rapt, amused attention to what I told him about the role of LSD in his Nobel Prize-winning discovery.’.‘It was also reported that you spent the earlier part of the afternoon singing for your preschool mates, who stood in rapt attention around you.’.‘Swans have been a source of rapt fascination for me since I was a child, and it was a life's dream come true to own one - let alone seven.’.‘The world depicted is a fascinating one, and we gaze upon it with rapt attention, even as the disquieting mood of the film keeps us ill at ease.’.‘With rapt fascination I watched the ritualized escape attempt and re-entrapment of the hero every week.’.‘The behaviour of animals in captivity was explained, as the students listened in rapt attention.’.‘The way she moved demanded my rapt attention while her eyes kept me completely mesmerized.’.‘Bob Schulz announces this in late January to a rapt crowd of 200 gathered in an auditorium in Crystal City, Virginia.’.‘Jacobs tells the rapt crowd that the ‘miserable’ expansion plan will be as important a fight for Toronto as the expressway battle once was.’.‘Jimmy Hamilton, a boyish man who celebrated his 80th birthday the previous day, is recounting to me a tale of bravery from the middle years of the last century and I'm rapt.’.‘To a silent, rapt hall, the Prime Minister told how when he visited New York and met British relatives of the victims, a middle-aged mother looked him in the eyes and said her only son had died.’.‘I found a stack of Architectural Forum magazines from 1958-1961, and spent half an hour on the floor, rapt.’.‘The singer's younger daughter, Madhusree, who had been a rapt listener during her father's recitals till this year, chose to sit on the stage and sing with her older friends.’.
‘A group of girls underneath a TV set gazed up, rapt.’.‘Many people were rapt and stayed for the whole hour before it looped around.’.‘Two interjections from the rapt audience render the visiting 28-year-old former pupil particularly speechless.’.‘The Sheldonian, recently refurbished, was packed with a refreshingly young audience, which remained rapt throughout.’.‘The journalist did not exit from productions at intermission but stayed to observe a rapt audience, most of whom had never before seen a drama or comedy of any kind.’.